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Which Wine Should You Drink With Your Italian Pasta?

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Is wine your drink of choice when dining out on Italian food? If so, it’s important you choose the right variety of wine to go with your pasta. If you don’t, you could find that your pasta sauce makes your wine taste bitter and unpleasant. You can always ask your waiter for recommendations, but if you’d rather impress your dinner crowd with your own knowledge, here are the wines you should pair with creamy, red, green, and seafood-based pasta sauces. Read More»

Two Tips for Those Who Want to Set up a Cafe

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If you want to set up a cafe, here are some tips that you may find helpful. Do some research on the local demographic before creating the menu Before you decide which items to include on the menu for your new restaurant, you should devote some time to researching the local demographic and other businesses within the neighbourhood where your cafe will be located. For the first few months after you open your cafe, when it will still be relatively new and unknown, it will probably only be frequented by the locals. Read More»